Are we all doomed?

“And crawling on the planet’s face, some insects called the human race . . . lost in time,
and lost in space and meaning.”  Rocky Horror Picture Show

Now, you may ask yourself why I included a quote from a movie that appears to glorify transsexualism on a blog that argues for conservatism. Well, firstly, the film is not so much—as an internet search will tell you—a glorification of marginalized people, a celebration of glam, or a testament to self-realization as in Brad, Janet, and Dr. Scott’s, er, transformations.  Before Riff-Raff zaps Frank-N-Furter with his laser gun, just after Frankie sings his final lament while floating on a lifesaver, aptly named USS Titanic, Riff-Raff’s argument, as he sings it, is that the “mission is a failure” due to Frankie’s “extreme” lifestyle.  One might conclude, then, that Frankie was purged before removal to the home planet for his transgressions.  People see what they want to see, however.

Secondly, I think the quote apt, as history illustrates that the very nature of the human race provokes, in part, a repugnancy not unlike that which is observed in certain insect species. One need only look at the destruction being wrought in America due to the parasitic grasp on the Left for perpetual domination. As a result, our country is lurching headlong into a social revolution that, by leaning Marxist, is leading to a stealth CCP sinicization. Conditions are ripe:  Our society is destabilized and fractured, the social fabric is eroding, and we citizens exist in a state of polar opposition owing to an overbearing emphasis on politics, race, gender, and class. Globalism is the order of the day, as racism, sexism, and the rest of the isms get roped in with Climate Change, a perfect means to a diminished America through the eradication of nationalist impulses and the desire for China’s ascendancy.  Equity (not equality) aligns with the growing deemphasis of American greatness, Western thought, individualism, and white masculinity, leaving the ground fertile for an annexation that is being enabled by American institutions and individuals who see China as a model, due to payouts from and selloffs to the CCP.

Aside from Chinese infiltration into nearly every important institution in America, in juxtaposition with Marxist wokeism, there is the physical permeation in the booming Chinese birth tourism industry, and the gobbling up of American farmland, businesses, and properties. Furthermore, our political class grows ever more authoritarian and overreaching, in CCP mimicry, governed by a serpentine ex-president aiming to reconstitute his real agenda for “Change,” while the illegitimate shyster sellout in the Oval Office, in his feeble vapidity, enables his handlers to foster the progressive agenda, all the while breaking Constitutional and federal laws and erasing America the “idea.” Meanwhile, we continue to suffer under a dictatorial NIH director who orders studies that literally torture animals, as he forces mask compliance and pushes the vaccine trial on us to test our ability to obey, among other aims. We have a congressional House being run by a gaunt despot, skirting the law and contriving her own rules as she subjugates the intentions of America’s Founders.  Lawlessness is the order of the day, as kids play at war with real guns, absent consequences, and take the lives of countless black children that the Marxist BLM ignores. Feminists continue to emasculate boys and men, turning males to milksop, twisting gender identity into a social contagion, and forcing us to suffer pronoun declarations so that everyone is either too weak or too distracted to do anything about it all. In elementary and secondary schools, classes in Mandarin are replacing history, math, and other “racist” subjects in school, as boys in skirts sodomize girls in the bathroom in the name of gender fluidity, and education as we once knew it peters out.  Complicit in it all is the legacy media, who lie, gaslight, and glaringly advance the Left’s objectives while orchestrating the fear that divides us. And so our nation grows evermore riven because conservative values are dangerous, and the utopian World Order long sought by the Left (but never reached) is now almost within reach.

Telling is the way this liberal agenda is seeping into every nook and cranny of American culture. We already know it has infiltrated most American institutions, turning students from budding critical thinkers to woke zombies. It’s also permeating our government institutions, including our military. And it’s having a trickle-down effect, existing even in the smallest of places. To wit:  A Bon Appetit issue this year included an entire segment titled, “The trailblazing, community-building, future-making leaders changing industry.” In it, not only was there a piece titled, “A safe and creative space for queer cooks” (seriously?), but the segment titled, “Making Chinatown more resilient” (as if it already wasn’t) shows chef and Wisconsin politician Francesca Hong in a t-shirt with what I presume is a photo of herself on the front wearing an expression of anger, with the caption “Stay angry.” Apparently, aside from cooking, she is busy “build[ing] economic agency and security.” Whatever that means.  Queerness and woke Chinese activism celebrated in a cooking magazine. That just about sums it up.

In our schools, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agenda is full on, with Critical Race Theory forcing a new pedagogy that aims to riddle white kids with guilt and self-hate and empower black supremacists, while news media hacks gaslight us into thinking there’s no such practice. The notion of “equitable education” exists so that rather than help students adapt to the dominant, Western culture, it is a force for dumbing down the culture so that those insisting on inclusion and diversity can rise. School books for elementary and middle school are borderline pornographic, and kindergartners are taught sex ed, all as a means to further normalize depravity. Underscoring this is the fact that family shows that existed as a snapshot of the American family, such as Leave it to Beaver, and which morphed into The Brady Bunch, are now replaced with Shameless, a “family” show that glorifies parental neglect and self-absorption, unbridled sex, rampant drinking and drug use, underage crime, and apathy. The DEI agenda, coupled with the emphasis on moral depravity, is and will be America’s undoing. All the while, the CCP quietly sits and waits.

Biden complicitly made a deal with those who dance with the Devil to overthrow the Trump presidency, which they derailed for four years to impede the promise to Make America Great Again. It’s good to see select conservatives and even parents fighting back against this shameful coup d’état, but we need a more robust push. This new version of Marxism that has silently crept in will be the undoing of the last instrumental bastion of freedom. I recall, after the Biden takeover, a social media post in which a man in England wrote:  “We’re all doomed.” He’s right, but we can’t just sit back as trillion dollar bills are passed, our freedoms are challenged, and the country grows evermore ready for the CCP overthrow. We should look to Australia’s protests (true protests) as the impetus to resist, not in the way the Left used that word. We might also look to the revolutionaries of this nation at its inception. They were brave enough to resist and force an end to imperial tyranny at the hands of a cognitively challenged head of state (sound familiar?). So were the soldiers of WWI and WWII who were willing to give their lives for the rights that are now eroding. History provides ample reminders. In England under the infamous Henry VIII, the dissolution of the monasteries and the end of Catholicism was accomplished in just four years with little protest. The dissolution of the United States just may be quicker, as the seeds have long been sown and have already taken root. Sad, really, but they’ve let us know precisely what we’re in for if anyone pushes back, symbolically fencing off the Capitol and using the January 6 “insurrectionists” as poster children for the scotching of any rebellion. Maybe the man from England is right. Maybe we are all doomed.

Death of the Age of Reason and the rise of neo-Marxism

“Welcome to the death of the Age of Reason.  There is no right or wrong, not anymore.  There’s only being in, and then being out.”   House of Cards

The Left’s vision of an ideal society—where government controls the people, and class distinctions are obliterated (except for those at the top)—is a utopian sentiment not without its flaws. This is because in order to achieve control—control of government, control of the people, control of property, and economic control—those in power must do anything to obtain it. And they do. We’ve seen that play out for a while now, only becoming more pronounced since a light was shone on their duplicity. But the determination to gain power and to maintain it requires the very thing the Left accuse those on the Right of:  oppression. We are the oppressors, at least according to Critical Race Theory.  But they have it all backwards, like they always do, because we see who is suppressing the voices and subjugating the freedom and will of those on the Right, while they use all means antithetical to Western democracy to pursue their cause.

How did we get here?  Or, more specifically, where did we go wrong? Well, it’s not us; it’s them, and there are four areas that have propelled Leftists successfully towards their end-goal:   

Secularism.  The beginning of the end came once God—endemic to the founding of our nation—was scrubbed from our culture primarily through the legal argument that schools, government, and public spaces are no place for religion. Christians are practically pariahs now, where it’s a near-crime if, to quote Diane Feinstein, “the dogma lives loudly” in us. Christian culture is disallowed, but Islam is cherished. The country must be cleansed of Christian imagery, but headscarves are permitted, even in the hallowed halls of Congress.  So, as they erase Christianity—once the dominant religion and the reason many sought a land free from religious persecution—what are we left with? An agnostic, communist conviction, because, if there is no god, then government rules the kingdom. Why? Because those in government hold the power, and it’s clear that a very progressive strategy is unfolding.

Moral depravity.  The Left has normalized homosexuality while scoffing at Christian values. Ushered in as a sovereign right, they propped up icons like Ellen Degenerate . . . er DeGeneres, awarding her the Medal of Freedom for coming out on TV.  Now, homosexuality has morphed into the mainstream, via Hollywood, shifts in our language, and Pride parades, debasing the moral fabric of our culture as they welcome all manner of perversion.  Worse, through big money and a large social media presence, LGBTQ ideology is flourishing, and as a result, transgenderism has become a social contagion, impacting today’s youth in dangerous ways. How many children are being diagnosed with “gender dysphoria”? How many parents and psychologists are complicit in pushing hormone therapy and even sex reassignment surgery?  Those children will regret it one day, as many already are.   

This moral depravity also goes hand-in hand with a culture fixated on sex. Women’s liberation and the passing of abortion and birth control pill laws opened the flood gates to seventies licentiousness, leading to a new breed of women, as seen in Sigourney Weaver’s character Janey Carver in the film The Ice Storm. Sexually aggressive and emotionally detached, this cultural shift, wrought by feminism, is evidenced in the highlight of the film—the “key party”—on the night of the storm. The two families profiled in the film, with their blatant self-absorption and shared ennui, depict the slow demise of family in America, as new diversions emerge to satiate their boredom. The glimpse we get of these families in crisis happens to coincide with Nixon’s impeachment, and it’s there for more than cultural context. The late nineties ushered in Sex and the City, where anything goes, and it became uncool not to be hopping in bed with every Tom, Dick, and Harry around. Coinciding with that came the growth of the pornography industry, which can now happily be accessed in the solitude of home at the touch of a button, and which is likely fostering the expansive cult of pedophilia.

The Counterculture Movement. The biggest, most detrimental influence in American culture is the Counterculture Movement of the sixties. It began as an anti-establishment crusade, nudged in through the liberal intellectual influences of the Beat Generation.  Writers like Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, and Alan Ginsberg started a literary movement in 1950s, post-war America that idealized sexual liberation, drug use, and Eastern religions as a rejection of conventional American values.  The movement increased in popularity throughout the sixties, especially in conjunction with the growing tensions over the Vietnam war.  In their effort to rebuff moral order, this subculture stopped dressing with any propriety, and embraced anything that countered normality. Communal living was popularized, and the ideals of peace, love, and harmony became the buzz words.  It culminated in the Haight-Ashbury “Summer of Love,” and then Woodstock, a hippie utopian aspiration that was actually a failure on all fronts—food shortages, traffic jams, toilet paucity, rain, mud, drugs, orgies, death, and the negative assessments of the musicians.  It soon faded, but the urge to return never goes away, as we see in today’s modern hippies.

Socialism.  The rise of socialism followed German immigrants with Marxist socialist ideals into the U.S. in the mid-nineteenth century.  By the turn of the century, the Progressive Movement emerged. It gained some steam in politics, and eked into our universities, but the Red Scare and later the McCarthy-era investigations quelled it. By the sixties, student radicalism paved the way for revolutionaries, and academia was flooded with Marxist ideologues. Community organizing over the latter decades, and a slow infiltration of socialist ideals in our government, public education, and now politics, cemented the movement in our culture. Sad to say, it’s here to stay.

Twentieth century America was the breeding ground for what has become today’s neo-Marxism, now invading much of American life.  With a destabilized culture—thanks to manufactured racism, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, and a new, weak president installed through a stolen election and a complicit China (a Communist regime to boot)—the big-money hands working behind the scenes are on their way to their utopian ideal, that of a rising China and a New World Order in which Western Civilization is eradicated.  Clearly, they’re misguided, failing to see what America truly stands for in all its successes and achievements, and only seeing what they want, perpetuating a 1619 Project, and egging on the whitewashing of American history, as our statues fall and schools get renamed. Everything they’ve done for decades has been designed to challenge the status quo, and tear at the very fabric of our nation and our moral values. The year 2020 was their greatest experiment, where, thanks to a man-made Chinese virus, they perpetuated racial tension, poverty, sexism, and class warfare, and made us all compliant through masks and plexiglass, as businesses shuttered for good, food lines grew, and suicide became a way out. They were able to rig the election system through fake paper ballots, a Sharpie controversy, engineered Dominion machines, and mail-in voting in which illegals, dead people, and cats cast a vote. 

America as we know it is in danger, and, though President Trump fought hard, he couldn’t overcome the sinister dark workings of the collectivist machine looking to eradicate Western exceptionalism.  Who could?